Frequently Asked Questions

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Eligibility for Course

Yes! We have trained illusionists who wished to add new tricks and methods in their performances, dancers who improved their choreographies with seemingly impossible elements, actors to build on their storytelling skills and create emotional journeys for their audiences! We have also worked with all kinds of people from the creative industry, from fashion designers to light architects and theater managers to choreographers. We love sharing the fascinating toolbox of the art of magic with inspired people and you could be next!
Yes, we can give tools, methods and techniques to educators with three main working aims: To convert difficult concepts from natural sciences and technology to fascinating explorations, to increase preparedness and to build a set of transferable skills through our courses.
Successful conference participants receive a certificate, as well as the best performing holiday camp attendees!

General Questions

Could you be an Academy of Magic & Art University Volunteer? We are looking for passionate, magical, talented and loyal people to join us.
There is the famous code of conduct of illusionists - no secrets should be revealed! Our training courses, seminars, camps and talks empower our audiences to develop their own tricks and methods of performance!
For the great team of illusionists, scientists and creative individuals that build the University of Magic & Art, magic is about creating emotions! We believe emotional engagement can facilitate educational exploration as well as create moments of awe and wonder during shows and performances and this is what magic is all about!

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